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Become a Citizen Scientist

You can help scientists monitor bird populations with some easy bird surveys throughout the year.

To monitor bird populations, scientists are beginning to rely more on surveys from citizens like yourself! Scientists are looking for people to count birds in their yard or at their feeders, observe nests, and to submit observations of any other general bird sightings online.

Here are some great citizen scientist programs you can participate in:

  • The Great Backyard Bird Count: Held over a weekend in February each year, participants count the number and type of birds they see for at least a 15 minute period.

  • Project Feeder Watch: Participants are asked to observe and count the number and kinds of birds that come to their bird feeder at regular intervals throughout the observation season (November through April). *Please Note: Participation requires you to become a member of Bird Studies Canada.

  • Project NestWatch: If you know the location of an active nest and you can observe it without disturbing the birds then you can collect your observations for Project NestWatch.

  • eBird: Any time you are out for a nature walk you can submit your bird sightings on

  • Local Bird Counts: Many naturalists groups have bird counts throughout the year and it is a great way to team up with a more experienced birder to learn more about birds!

  • Other Citizen Science Projects Across Canada:

Project Gallery

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